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Chay Drol Healing Ritual

Literally translated, ‘Chay Drol’ means to ‘make free of obstacles’ and is a ritual that helps to remove the obstacles that prevent one from achieving enlightenment and thereby opening the door to liberation.

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White Zambhala Empowerment

This empowerment (also known as Dzambhala) is offered to improve material conditions and overcome the hardships of poverty. It helps in accumulating the causes of prosperity and increases the pure energy of the five elements of the natural environment. Dzambhala is an emanation of Ratnasambhava, one of the five Buddha families, whose enlightened activity is increasing and whose essence is generosity. Some people practice Dzambhala to achieve spiritual prosperity, although this deity is also associated with wealth and prosperity in the material world. Dzambhala practice is said to bring wealth, prosperity, success, good fortune and luck,long life and wisdom. He is depicted holding a mongoose spouting jewels. Through the power of compassionate intention, visualization, and mantra recitation, this practice ripens and enhances our karma for an abundance of resources. 

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Chenrezig Empowerment

The Buddha of Compassion is known as Chenrezig (Tibetan) or Avalokitshevara (Sanskrit), meaning 'liberator from the unfortunate lower rebirths.' Chenrezig pledged in front of all the Buddhas not to attain Buddhahood until all sentient beings were free from the sufferings of samsara. Receiving the empowerment of this Buddha, therefore, provides one with protection from an unfortunate lower rebirth. Chenrezig has many aspects and embodies the Universal Compassion of all the Buddhas of the three times and ten directions.  The purpose of the empowerment is to establish a close relationship with Chenrezig and to benefit from his almighty power of compassion. In this era of violence and mental instability, the blessing of Chenrezig is highly sought after, as it helps one to become more peaceful and compassionate, even with the state of current events. The empowerment will also initiate one into the mantra of Avalokitshevara: OM MANI PADME HUM, which contains the essence of all 84,000 volumes of Buddha's teaching.

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Vajravidaran Healing Ritual

The Tantric ritual of Vajravidarin will be the primary focus of private and group healings.Vajravidarin is a ritual of purification and has three stages: purification and removing of negativities; removing subtle negative imprints; and offering protection. The vajra master will take the form of this Buddha of Purification and use his power to cleanse participants. Vajravidarin purifies sickness, mental disturbances, infectious diseases, disputes, enmities, defilements, misfortunes, bad omens, victimization by others, premature death, negative influences of the stars, harm from rulers and thieves, influence of demons, the agents of death, obstacles, misguidance, and factors against congenial life.

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